To Join Us
If you are a young person passionate about making your community a healthier place (or know someone who is) reach out to Brooke Carlsen at brooke@lcbag.org to find out how to join our Youth Coalition.
The Youth Coalition lifts up youth voice and power to enact community policies and practices that support youth health and well-being.
Recent Milestones
The first ever Lake County Youth Summit took place on Friday, May 19th and was a big success! There were 30 school staff and 15 community partners in attendance. Youth from Full Circle’s Youth Action Squad (YAS), LCBAG’s Youth Coalition, and LCHS’s Business Leadership class presented their research and visions for improvements for young people in Lake County.
YAS and the Youth Coalition shared the results of a survey they distributed to 9-12 graders that asked questions about what resources young people need most, if resources are easy for them to access, and if adults in their lives are supportive in helping them access the resources they need. The survey found that 58% of respondents identified at least one needed resource, and 1/3 of those students did not know how to access the resource they needed. Most commonly identified resources needed were mental health services and academic support. Of the students who did not know how to access resources, 46% were 9th graders, 57% identified as female, trans, or nonbinary, and 54% identified as Latine. The good news is that 75% of survey respondents said that adults in their lives were supportive in helping them access the resources/services that they needed.
You can also access an article dedicated to our youth coalition in the local newspaper, by clicking here
Why the Work Matters
Communities that view their young people as resources and invest in their development are “building a generation” of leaders.