Manufactured Housing

To Join Us

If you live in a manufactured community in Lake County and want to work with other residents to ensure your neighborhood is healthy and safe for all, please reach out to Cruz Ramirez at We look forward to working with you!

The resident-led Manufactured Housing Initiative envisions a Lake County in which all manufactured housing communities are safe, healthy, and equitable.

Recent milestone

Working together, residents of one Lake County manufactured housing community were able to convince the park owner to include funding to implement community requests in their 2020 budget, including speed bumps, playgrounds, and sewer system improvements.

Why the Work Matters

Manufactured housing communities are an important market solution to affordable housing in Lake County. Currently, 16% of county residents (and nearly half the children in the Lake County School District) live in a community of manufactured homes. But owners of manufactured homes in Lake County generally do not own the land underneath their homes. This can make these residents more susceptible to rent increases, utility increases, health hazards if the parks aren’t maintained to the same standards of other Lake County neighborhoods, and displacement if the owner chooses to sell the property.