Vote Yes on 2A!

At Lake County Build a Generation, we take civic participation–including voting–very seriously. So we urge you to fill out your ballot this November and have your voice heard! 

And we want you to know about how we feel about ballot initiative 2A, a ballot issue that is dear to our affordable housing-loving hearts. We recommend a YES vote on 2A. 

2A emerged from a recommendation by the Lake County Housing Coalition, facilitated by Lake County Build a Generation. It would increase the lodging tax that tourists currently pay when they stay at hotels, motels, or short-term rentals in the City of Leadville from 1.92 percent to 4.92 percent. The 1.92 percent would continue to fund the work of the Lake County Tourism Panel, and the additional 3 percent would go toward a housing fund at the City of Leadville that could be used to do such things as administer deed restrictions, develop City-owned land into affordable housing, or provide financial support to affordable housing projects built by other developers. 

According to one recent study, Lake County needs 906 new units to ensure our school district, local governments, and businesses can thrive. Moreover, since average median income for a family of four in Lake County is $71,000, these houses need to cost $300,000 or less to be affordable for most families. However, most houses currently being built in Lake County are selling for above $600,000. 2A will help bridge our current affordability gap and ensure that lower-cost housing options remain for local community members. 

To read more or find out how you can help, please visit the Yes on 2A! website: