Lake County Housing Coalition helps to pass 2A!

After months of work by the Lake County Housing Coalition, City of Leadville voters passed ballot measure 2A by a wide margin–with 580 residents voting “yes” and 252 voting “no.”
2A emerged from a recommendation by the Lake County Housing Coalition, facilitated by Lake County Build a Generation. It would increase the lodging tax that tourists currently pay when they stay at hotels, motels, or short-term rentals in the City of Leadville from 1.92 percent to 4.92 percent. The 1.92 percent would continue to fund the work of the Lake County Tourism Panel, and the additional 3 percent would go toward a housing fund at the City of Leadville that could be used to do such things as administer deed restrictions, develop City-owned land into affordable housing, or provide financial support to affordable housing projects built by other developers.
Congratulations to all who worked on the initiative!