Lake County Build a Generation announces Noah Sosin as its incoming Executive Director!
On behalf of the Lake County Build a Generation Board of Directors, as well as the staff members who served on the Executive Director Transition Team, I am pleased to announce that Noah Sosin has accepted the position as Executive Director of Lake County Build a Generation.
Noah has worked at Lake County Build a Generation since 2017, starting as an intern and working his way up to his current role as Director of Coalition Development. With both Master in Public Health and Master in Urban and Regional Planning degrees, Noah brings a strong academic foundation to this work. He also brings years of experience in the Lake County community, a strong commitment to community empowerment and systems change, and deep relationships with local residents. Noah’s thorough understanding of LCBAG’s organizational structure and commitment to the goals and values of the organization were evident throughout the interview process. We firmly believe that he is the right person to lead the organization into the future.
The Lake County Build a Generation Board of Directors will shortly announce a Community Meet and Greet event to welcome Noah Sosin to this new position. In the interim, please join me in wishing Noah a hearty congratulations on his new position.
–Bob Homiak, President, Lake County Build a Generation Board of Directors