Take our free online Financial Fitness Classes!

Do you want to learn the basics of managing your personal finances? Come to Financial Fitness, a FREE, two-part, online financial education course taking place in June for Lake County residents.
The course will include:
- How to build a budget
- Understand credit and what may impact your credit score
- What to do to avoid predatory lending
- How to create a savings plan
- How to reach financial goals.
The course is scheduled for 5-7 pm on Zoom on the following dates:
- Part 1, English: Tuesday, 6/15
- Part 1, Spanish: Thursday, 6/17
- Part 2, English: Tuesday, 6/22
- Part 2, Spanish: Thursday, 6/24
Participants should plan to attend both sessions of the course, in either English or Spanish
Sign up here before June 2nd to register!
Questions? Email Augustina Remedios (augustina@lcbag.org).